26 Seat Tempo Traveller Hire in Kolkata
The rate for 26 Seat Tempo Traveller is not the same as 10 seater Force Tempo Traveller, 14 seater Traveller or 17 seater Force Traveller.
Tempo Traveller Rate @ Rs 45 per km or Rs 450 per hour in Kolkata, whichever is higher
The rates are calculated on Garage to Garage basis. Our Garage is at Bansdroni which is midway between Garia and Tollygunge, Kolkata. Tempo Traveller rate for 26-seater is Rs 45 per km or Rs 450 per hour, whichever is higher, garage to garage. Garage to Garage means counting of hours will start from the moment the moment the vehicle leaves the Garage and continues uninterruptedly till the moment the vehicle is released and reaches the Garage.
Minimum 100 Km or 10 hours for local travel
The minimum rate that is charged is for local travel is 100 km and 10 hours.
Minimum 250 Km for Outstation / Overnight travel
The minimum rate that is charged is outstation rental is for 250 km per day.
Day means from 00:01 hrs till 23:59 hrs.
Toll and Parking at Actual
Toll and parking are charged at Actual and are to be paid directly by guests.
Drivers Inconvenience/Overnight Allowance @ Rs250
Driver's Inconvenience allowance is charged at Rs 250 if the services are availed after 10 pm or before 6 am -- calculated from Garage to Garage.
Overnight Allowance is also applicable in case of outstation travel
Drivers Food & Accommodation Allowance
For outstation tours, Driver's Food and accommodation has to be provided by the Hirer of the vehicle from the time the vehicle is taken on contract till the period the vehicle is released.
However, in case the hirer of the vehicle does not want to take the responsibility of the driver's Food and Accommodation, payment @ Rs.1250 per night is to be paid by the hirer of the vehicle. This payment is over and above the Driver's Overnight Allowance @ Rs.250 as mentioned above.
Night Rates for Tempo Traveller Booking
If the services are availed for running the vehicle between 10 pm to 6 am, the rates are charged at a premium of 20% of the regular rate.
These rates are not applicable if the services are availed for Marriage purpose.